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Diet and Fitness Tips to Prevent a Heart Attack - Recommended by Cardiologist


Diet and Fitness Tips to Prevent a Heart Attack - Recommended by Cardiologist

Now a days heart attack is getting very common. This can be minimize on just mere precaution. Here is few tips which anyone can follow to avoid heart attack.

01. ​Heart attack and Present Lifestyle 

The sudden, shocking death of beloved Indian playback singer KK, due to a heart attack recently, has generated concern and conversations around heart health. The autopsy examination of singer KK showed that he had a fatty layer around the heart that had turned white and the valves were stiff when the heart was opened, police sources revealed. Heart disease symptoms can often be silent or could be mistaken for something else. Therefore, apart from regular checkups, it is important to mind your lifestyle choices – especially your diet and fitness.

Heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood to the heart. This requires immediate medical attention since the more time that passes without treatment, the greater the damage to the heart muscle.

We have summed up what cardiologists across the country recommend for healthy heart.

02. Impact of Diet and Exercise on Heart

If your diet is rich in junk foods which contain high amounts of sugar, salt, refined carbs, saturated fat, then this diet, however delicious, will lead to build-up of plaque of fat and cholesterol due to which blood clots can form. This can lead to a heart attack. Therefore, it is important to focus on the health factors of the foods you eat. The right diet will reduce your risk for heart diseases.

Apart from monitoring your diet, it is essential to exercise regularly. Exercise will make your heart pump more blood with each heartbeat. When this happens, it will deliver more oxygen to your body and enhance your body’s functions. Routine physical activity can help to minimize many heart disease risk factors, such as LDL (which is bad cholesterol), high blood pressure, and obesity. Improving your heart health gets easier when you know how to eat and how to exercise.

03. Choose the Right Diet for your Healthy Heart

A healthy diet is rich in nutrients, protein, and fiber
. Fats and carbohydrates are also crucial for a healthy heart and healthy body, however, you should be aware of what kinds and quantities you are consuming.

When you use fats for cooking, opt for healthy fats such as olive oil or canola oil. Healthy fats such as polyunsaturated fats are found in nuts and omega-3 fats are found in fish. Trans fat, which are mostly found in processed and packaged foods, are a big no.

For carbs, opt for whole-grain rotis (bread), breads or pastas, instead of those made from white flour. It is important to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. To make things interesting, you can experiment with different salads or new sabzi (vegetable) recipes to bring a healthy and delicious twist to your diet.

Do not forget protein in your diet. You can get it from fish, lean meats, eggs, nuts, seeds and beans. The nutrients in these forms of protein can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, improving your heart health.

For those who drink alcohol, it is advised to avoid drinking alcohol or the least you can do is limit or intake and frequency of alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure and can lead to heart failure or stroke.

04. Types of Exercises for a Healthy Heart

Regular exercise helps cut your chances of getting heart disease. It's good for your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight, energy and mood. If you already have high or low blood pressure or diabetes, then you should consult your doctor first for the kind of exercises you can do. If you are unwell, high intensity exercises may not suit you. Those who are healthy and at a younger age are encouraged to exercise well so that they can keep all such health risk conditions at bay.

If you are a beginner, you can simply start by going for a walk at your nearby park. A 4-5 km brisk walk a day can be perfect for your heart health. You can also invest in fitbands or mobile apps to keep a track of the distance covered. However, don't exercise outdoors when it's too cold or hot.

You can also go swimming, cycling, dancing, zumba, yoga or any other aerobic activity of your choice. Try to stay active throughout the day and work up to 30 minutes at least, 4 to 6 times a week.

Hope this article is useful for all those who to remain fit, slim and healthy.


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