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10 Quick review to lose weight quickly at Home


10 Quick review to lose weight quickly at Home

Here are 10 tips to lose weight, based on my practical experience

01. Cut down sugar in everything you eat or drink

02. If you are fond of eating dessert then restrict once a month and eat as meal for eg if you are eating halwa then don't combine it with your main meal, eat after 2 hrs of lunch (not dinner )

03. Never skip breakfast, breakfast should be your heaviest meal of the day

04. Never drink tea or coffee on empty stomach when you get up, eat small fruit wait for 20 minutes and then drink tea ( I usually eat small banana). This helps in loss of inches

05. Increase the frequency of meals and reduce the qty for e.g if you eat breakfast at 9 am then at 11 am eat one fruit and then at 1 pm lunch

06. Break your meal in small portions for eg if you are eating 3 chapatis for lunch then eat 2 for lunch and 1 for dinner

07. Don't eat chapati (Bread) and rice together as both are high source of carbohydrates

08. Include more fruits and Veggies, reduce fatty food such as fries, red meat etc

09. Take sufficient sleep for 7–8 hrs and drink sufficient water, the urine passed should be transparent and not even slightly yellow

10. Do some exercise at home, or walk at least 3 km daily

These are based on practical experience. Hope this will help you too IF follow it without fail.


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